54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Discobot got at least one. its only fair

Can I try and hide yours katze

hide this one

I did it

It’s still there.


it didnt go anywhere

Well that’s a shame

@Jane you want the left half or the right half?

I’ll take the middle so you can have a donut cookie.

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You have the middle, Katze has a doughnut cookie… i’ll take the real one :cookie:

katze is it just me or do you also think that me, you and Priestess would absolutely decimate anyone as a scumteam
Like, I don’t know why but

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I reckon i’m a better scum than town.

we’re a scumteam constantly in discord :^)

i usually try to bus her tho


so… next cookie 44444?

@Arete if you actually didn’t mess with things you should totally edit me/jgoes as the joint winner in the OP :^)

or be asleep

honestly, preferably the latter

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I suggested something a while back.
I think 47069?

That’s still 5000 posts away lmao.

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What a thing that technically exists

Fair enough.

stolen by the void?

no me and jgoes get to share the cookie

thats more civil :^)

Well now I’m locked out damn it
I’m Scottish, you cannot take my freedom