54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you can come back in 15 minutes if you take the box

I’m not having any box

welp then this can be your box for the duration i would have kept you in the box

+longer but only because you evaded it

I’m just a genius in the art of escape routes
Ask my 9 victims

You can’t
They’re dead
I opened an escape route to hell for them

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Oh bitch I log on and see this


I literally hosted several Escape Rooms on the forums.

hey magnus who would you say was mvp of each escape room

Why would you want to know now?

no reason, im just curious.
answer the question magnus

Thing is, everyone did different things to ensure their own survival.

answer question. mvp’s
mvp of er 1 at least

I’ll think about it in my fortress of solitude.

@Marshal @SirDerpsAlot

could i gain acess to the setup thread when you come on pretty please


Can we talk about how kawaii this is

@KyoDaz join our scumchat in the discord

i stayed up until 6AM to get a cookie and arete wont even honor my half-ownership of it

time to go to sleep slightly disappointed

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We’ll have to ask Chloe if Arete misused their modpowers to hide that post

Surely they would have come clean by now :eyes:

In what discord?