54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

are you actually me

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This is a promise - if I ever join a game with you, my entrance will be a wallpost.

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you’re too chicken to play a game

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I’m not so sure all of this is worth it for a cookie.

Or maybe I’m just deliberately avoiding joining the games while I’m unexperienced and I want to learn to read people first, so it’s a satisfying game for both myself and others :^)


just maybe

new players exist

you dont need to join your first game as an expert reader

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But I want to.

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
people talking about ToL

and then there’s me
too poor for that $9.99

Oh right I should try playing ToL again today maybe this time I won’t roll boring BD classes for 22 games in a row like yesterday.


it was on sale recently

Physician is the best investigative, change my mind.

wait what
why was I not knowing of this

games with people who are inexperienced and/or have bad reads are still satisfying

I mean, people still play games with me

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key word => “sale”
not “free”

the thing is

reading a game while playing is different than reading while spectating

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Ans dont reply

Dont do it

No cringe

also spectating wont teach you how to post like a civil human being but you’re also gonna only speak in wallposts you filthy animal

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I was just going to say that I want my plays to be as good as possible because I hate making even the smallest mistake but alright.


Wallposts are delicious, spammy memeposters out.

i may have gotten mislynched to lose evo mafia but i ended with 1000 posts so whos the real winner?