54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

So you are the minor deity of sleep deprivation and annoying neighbours?


Yes, but that basically equals torture anyway :^)

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Also the minor deity of somehow being turned into a deity

Torture is the short form :wink:

I still don’t know how that joke spiraled out of control. It was such a minor meme, and it didn’t last long either. Forums work in mysterious ways, I suppose.

The Accidental God

Doesn’t that make you the minor deity of being tortured?

I’m the minor deity of being mistaken for someone else



Maybe I bestow pain, suffering and torture on my followers by being tortured myself, have you considered that possibility? :^)

I’m the minor deity of procrastination.

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I’m the High Priestess of Teemo


wait a minute wasn’t there an FoL ability called Anstreim’s Anguish?

imagine being famous enough to be in a game you’ve never played

Never heard of it.

That’s precisely what spawned the memes, Ici. It was Marl’s joke.unknown

Does anyone else here watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine?


Have you seen the new season

yes i thought i remembered correctly
it was also my name
i just couldn’t remember if it was still in there