54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


this does not look very “wazzaazza cult” to me

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Ans please tell me that you woke up earlier than usual rather than staying up until noon

lmao its ans

ofc he hasnt slept are u crazy

What about you lol

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I woke up at 10 PM today, does that qualify as an answer? Also you should be sleeping.

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I woke up about 12 and a half hours ago

My attempts to fall asleep before 4 AM were less-than-successful

Check again you nerd.

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you didn’t have to post that

AHHHH was supposed to go to bed two hours ago but this download taking to long. Its only 3 gigs left but it keep saying like an hour. I hate this

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looking for feedback for my new classes

i think theyre pretty perfect but maybe i missed a minor detail?

@Icibalus I have some tribal historic brawl decks (merfolk aggro, vamps midrange, dragon reanimator) do u wanna play some historic brawl at some point.

They’re all p shitty

ah good, a shitty deck
that means i have a chance of winning with my dumb memes
but not right now
i have schoolwork to do

It’s pretty perfect, but you can still improve it, mainly at the end:

also lol imagine playing Bladewing lmao

you have been exposed as a filthy Brawlers Guildhall user
not that that’s as bad as it used to be

nah just join despite not being able to make reads and just make it work

Just win the game 4Head

But seriously, I think I’ll wait until I’m confident that I know what the hell I’m doing. Otherwise it’s going to be torturous, not fun.

Aren’t you the minor deity of torture? :wink:

Well I just got 3 hours of sleep after staying up for 17+ hours myself because of my neighbors, so I guess I am now.

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