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There is a claim to be said that some people in the trials were definitely evil

the only way that believing something that is not true absolves you of an action is if you were under the influence of actual mind control

Their actions are evil. They are not.

if you murdered somebody who did not deserve to die, you are evil.

There may be some exceptions, but if they believed in their religion that purging the witches was doing the world good then why are they evil?
They are stupid and ignorant.

Pretty sure there was some people doing it for personal gain from what I remember

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cowardice? yes, exactly.

cowardice, because you’re seeing what your boss is having you do to others, and you’re afraid of what they might do to you if you disobey. its an understandable mindset to me.

like say you have critical information on a rebellion against an objectively evil force, where all their people are objectively evil. you wouldnt be a bad person if your just a normal person being subjected to torture and you give up that information

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Some were, but definitely the majority was brainwashed by christian religion.

being the pawn of an evil concept that you could have rejected within your mind at any time is not itself evil, but commiting vile acts from the impetus of said cult is evil

its possible. doesnt mean it will always happen or that it can always happen for every person.

You forget that these people absolutely believe god existed.
It wasn’t just a concept, they actually believed truthfully that god existed. They believed god existed as much as the device you type on right now.

They can’t ‘just’ deny that in their minds.
That isn’t how it works. Their parents, their entire WORLD revolves around this belief.

and yet if they had thought for one second they would realise the only logical course of action given the existence of god is suicide.

i have been thinking through every possible consequence of a supreme being’s existence, and a being of such magnitude could not create a universe worth living in.

the whole problem is the preservation of souls for eterinity in heaven.

aight let me be clear, although i also kinda disagree with ici, i dont necessarily agree with kyo here.
im saying for those who knew exactly how wrong what they were doing was, but were powerless to stop it or step up out of fear

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i mean i dont personally believe in god.
i believe in a higher power or force which is guiding the universe, but to personify it in any way is kinda a misleading venture

it is obvious that even half of an eternity, even in paridise, would break a human mind. the human mind is not designed to comprehend eternity, let alone withstand it. i am not talking about a vampire with a lifespan of a few million years. i speak of true eternity, true infinity, with the very possibility of destruction precluded from us.

either the human mind breaks, or the human mind is forcibly changed. i do not need to explain why a being using its’ power to make people feel better about themselves by undermining aspects of that person is amoral, hopefully. that should be a sense that we all have.

so obviously, the only possibility is to allow a soul in the afterlife to have a Final Death, a true ending of their existence. here is where we cease talking about the problems with an afterlife but more with the problems of a personified god.

firstly, my criteria.

ay the good place called it wants its fix back

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i speak of a god in the Abrahamic sense- omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent and just.

such a being would always take the action that fosters the most happiness and personal growth in their subjects, and would always know what said action is, and would always be able to do such a thing.