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see the good place system works because that universe is seemingly atheistic beyond the apathetic Judge.

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consider this. you step through the gateway in the trees to end your existence for good this time. the problem is that others still remain within heaven, within this wonderful pocket dimension. nonetheless, for the reasons I have described, at some point people would begin to feel empty, because the fact is that free will must be preserved for such a state to be described as heaven. at some point, there would be only one solution left:

to bring back the mind of somebody who is double dead.

when we think of the nature of eternity, it is impossible to avoid the possibility that our ressurection, even after we have chosen to end our existence for good, will at some point be needed for the personal growth of a great many individuals, possibly aliens created from a new iteration of the universe. we are talking about eternity after all- literal infinite time.

do you see the problem? within an infinite eternity, even in a scenario where the god allows us to reach a final death, so long as he follows the criterion above there will always be a point where you have to be ressurected for somebody else’s sake. you are incapable of ending your own existence.

nah i dont think thats the case. other people will fill the gaps we leave

simon, we speak of eternity. every good person who has ever lived will at some pont pass through heaven, through The Good Place. at some point, the god will need specifically you to solve the problem with romance between these 4 trolls, and only you. there could be no other alternative.

all that attempting a final death could possibly do is create a phantom existence in which you cease to exist for billions of years, until your services are needed again. when there is such a thing as an eternity for humans to live in, it is inevitable that anybody who chooses to die will be revived.

Lets be respectful to religious people tho

it is simply that the logical consequences of their beliefs make an empty eternity unavoidable so long as the supreme being has a personality, and is both omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent. it is completely unavoidable.

no, i think its necessarily the case that there will be at least one other person for any case that could come up


The only religion I believe in is divinity.

as you said, it is eternity. there will be infinite individuals.
there is not an infinite amount of ways to make a human. something will repeat

so what
a god must always be logical, correct? at some point there could be no other person except you to solve whatever problem.

true, but a deity could never be content with the creation of a single species.

Just hope that god uses white theme And wont punish you

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no, there will always be another person is what im saying.
its infinte. i cannot believe that any problem involving a finite amount of people could be so specific as to require 1 out of infinity, even an infinite number of finite-problems

but the problem does not require a finite amount of people
it is a problem involving an infinite number of people
any action a god takes must implicitly involve the fates of all people

I don’t see why that god doesn’t just create an ‘off’ switch which you can turn ‘on’ if you want to start existing again

sometimes in an infinity something wont come up.
to take an example from math,
say you were to pick a number at random from the number line, all real numbers.
even if you pick numbers randomly infinite times, the probability that you will get a natural number or even any rational number is exactly 0

because there will always be a scenario in which god has to intervene and ressurect your existence, because we are speaking of eternity, and such an action is the only undeniable solution.