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we’re assuming a religious model of existence here. in that model, every action has an objective moral value to it, so every decision would have a sum moral impact on the world.

well thats what im saying, that the intended morality for each of the believers is exactly what they get from the book. it varies, and it is intended to vary.
it is objective, its just objectively subjective
(once again in this hypothetical)

if it scales to infinity, almost every action will 0 out

Yea but Its supposed to be objective And if it can be interpritated in different way then god is doing bad job And letting ppl know about it

we are also assuming that because this is heaven there is an element of relativism that prevents the thing that happens in the good place where every action gains negative points (Good Place spoilers)

i think an implicit consequence of the Good Place problem being fixed is that actions cannot have a sum zero impact on the afterlife if we stretch those actions out through eternity.

it is objective.
its objective that what they get from the book is correct. for them.
its interpreted in different ways because thats exactly how it is supposed to be interpreted, and this god is doing that perfectly
(in. this. hypothetical.)

in addition, don’t you think that since free will is being preserved, what we are not just speaking of is the actual consequences but the decision tree of the potential consequences.

i think that trying to consider multiple infinitly long, infinitely wide possibility trees in any way is misleading, so i dont

In that case they got untrue info from the book which I dont think most of them will agree with

but if god exists you have no choice but to do so

i mean i can just choose not to.
i dont actually disagree with you.

but yes, i think its misleading, so i dont.
i dont think its possible to reach anything with a meaningful conclusion through considering something like that. we just arent able to wrap our minds around it enough as humans. so we just have to assume over it if we want to make any meaningful ground

these scenarios where the ressurection of a specific kind of dead person for maximum potential utility are undoubtedly near-infinitesimally rare. but they nontheless inevitable when considering a linear eternity of an afterlife.

not just near-infinitesimally rare, perfectly rare. 0 probability.

when it is infinite, the infinitesimal is the certain.
and i dont think it will ever happen. not just that it is incredibly unlikely, but that it it will actually never happen

bruh are there legit ppl here saying there is any reason other then medical reasons not to get vaccinated


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That logic is what brought measles back

jesus christ

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if you vaccinate your child you are giving them autism because they have a chance of getting it omg

i said before that my guiding force belief couldnt really be personified. this is kinda why.
that force is kinda just the force of happenstance, coincidence, probability