54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

like… ppl who say vaccines cause autism are saying they’d rather spread disease then have an autistic child like jesus christ


False, you don’t get autism.

Anyway back to work for school.

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are you sure, Simon?
are you sure that some day you won’t have to have this kind of discussion with a recently deceased bird man in order to maximise happines for the greatest number while preserving as much free will as possible, when you chose to truly cease your existence?

That’s the joke.

well no im not sure of hardly anything. im not 100% sure the sun will rise tomorrow, but i still trust that it will. i just believe that thats what i think makes the most sense, so im going with it. im as sure as i feel anyone can really be sure of this stuff. i dont think i will get to choose when i cease to exist. it will happen, im fairly sure, sometime

the other possibility, that god will design every future universe to contain people who will never require your intervention, is also pretty horrifying in my view. since every action you or i take would now implicitly infringe upon the free will of a lizard from an unborn universe.

also um… no.

They all had a choice and chose to kill and abuse many people. I’d argue 80% did it out of fear for their lives, which is cowardice and is truly evil.

We are toys And god is player obv

fun fact about this is i get to have both determinism and free will.
there is exactly one way the universe will play out. however it is utterly impossible to find out how this is, so our choices still matter.

F r e e w I l l. Doesnt exist

:man_shrugging: maybe not exactly but i think that our choices still matter

do you see the point? once we assume that an immortal deity exists, the logical consequences get into bizarre and unknowable territory that either undermines all future free will, creates an infinite number of beings with a sporadic existence, or simply undermines the causal relationship of anything outside of a non-afterlife existence?

I dont think We have ability to choose

yeah okay. i do :man_shrugging:

that’s basically why i think the existence of any sort of omnipotent omniscient omnibenevolent god would make reality completely meaningless, and thus should i receive confirmation of such a being’s existence, proper confirmation, the only logcial thing to do would be to commit suicide and hope the punishment in hell is to cease to exist without ever finding out what happens after you die.

except wait, fucking ooops
even if that’s the case i’m probably going to get ressurected to show some fucking literal Homestuck Troll why heaven is better than hell at some point
so never mind

I believe it depends on out own state Which are at part rooted in us(for example liking taste of something And stuff like that) plus outside factors

in conclusion, it is my belief that based on most of the inferences i have discussed and a few that probably got swamped amongst my three seperate internal monologues, the existence of true immortality that is not tied to a physical plane combined with the existence of a supreme being with an intelligent will who does not act in a purely deistic manner (and I mean, they physically cannot act in a non-deisitc manner. it is not just a choice)

please inform me if there is any blatant flaw in my logic that collapses all this
because i can’t see it

can I know Why I am just curious

being a hardcore atheist is great because i believe that our choices actually matter and that the universe isn’t set in stone.

cause it makes sense to me. and presumably theres a similar reason why you dont think its the case.