54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I am atheist And I believe it is so

Can you explain it in Any better way tho

religion i would be willing to accept: if the ancient greeks were right. because then at least there’s always the hope of tricking the gods. and no single being holds all the power.

also they’re my special interst and i already know everything about how to deal with them
that to

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good grief that was absolutely awful! what the hell is happening to my typing?

not really. it just seems like the explanation for the universe that makes the most sense.

there are infinite possible universes, each breaking off at every decsision point where someone could have chosen something else. however, we are in exactly one of these universes. there is exactly one way things will play out.
but each possible universe is entangled with the rest, and we simply cannot know which one we’re on. therefore while we dont exactly have free will in what choices we make, our choices still matter as they help us predict which universe we’re in, help us predict the future.

Would you believe infinite universe would exist without concious beings that can make a choice?

im not sure what you mean.

Bonus™ on the guide to understanding how Ici expresses emotion through pacing around rooms:

Pensive: Stepping over cracks in a regular pattern, like stepping over every other cobble on a street.

I mean if there were no being that could make a choice by your definition of it would the universe become one at that moment(assuming there were no other beings before that)

no see the main idea of it is where it splits everytime an individual could make a choice, into each choice they could have made.
if it were only made of things that never made choices, then it wouldnt be our universe.
necessarily, everytime a choice is made (even a predicted choice) theres a hypothetical where they could have chose differently, but didnt

like here. ill roll discobot between 1 and 2, and there is a universe where discobot rolls a 1, and a universe where discobot rolls a 2. there are many universes for each outcome, but the important bit is that there’s one for each.
even tho discobot is most certainly not an individual that can choose, it still affects things
@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1

Theres a universe where discobot finally becomes full of our shit and rolls a three, then proceeds to break the forum.

i don’t fully beleive in the “infinite universes” theory but that’s possibly because it’s truly infinite

Just pondering that there’s a world for even the slightest change of anything is weird.

like one where i scratch my thumb right now and one where i don’t, and then one where i ahchchhh it’s weird

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Would you say that if for example wind blows next to rock Numbers of universes would be created Where it affects the stone to different extent?

(Clarifying because of example with discobot)

no i feel like it wouldnt and that those would just be different universes that were already created. so its like it still pares down which universe is ours, like choices do, however it doesnt split into new universes.
on further reflection id say thats how discobot works aswell.

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@Hippolytus so they’re adding Start Of Game as a keyword to MtG

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I haven’t had a chance to check out spoilers yet I’m so excited