54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No cuddling with me, my skin is extremely oversensitive and will experience it as pain
on the other side, I love pain

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@DatBird suggest downloading RE3 first, i’m stuck in 15m wait queue on EU servers (though it is 9am here) for a game (longest it’s been)

Rules committee banned 15 mins after it was announced

Cuz like theres 0 literally disadvantage to not run it in any deck work red and blue which is v stupid

yeah but not every Companion card is banned in commander

it’s only the Highlander Otter that’s banned

Yeh just the singleton one


ah yes, let’s just make a squirrel stronger than a fucking Eldrazi

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btw this is a terrible card
waaaay too slow


i think this set is “cheating things out” the set

and if there’s a SINGLE cheap mutate card or some way to blink-mutate, this set will get absurd fast

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hedgehog card then


we also appear to be getting Human Tribal as a major thing in Ikoria, so that should also be fun

They gotta go fast

…haste can’t do anything against tapping your own creature, FOOL
and it costs far too much mana for us to do anything about it

btw @Hippolytus i think the risk of being 2-for-1ed is mitigated by any kind of hexproofing, since it’s implied that the cards beneath the top card do not count as creatures, instead counting as extensions to the top creature’'s text. don’t quote me on that, but if there’s any kind of removal protection on a creature it’s probably a good Mutate body.

so like
expect to see a lot of Nyleas turning into indestructible monkeys in the coming standard?

now i have a new goal
create a commander deck with as many commanders and companions as physically possible

I’m 100% expecting a blue blink mutate card lol