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I just want some good orzhov cards over than removal ffs

there’s a 2-drop human that makes legendary humans indestructible in Orzhov?

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Not sure legendary humans are too plentiful in standard

Sounds cool tho

i personally cannot wait for my indestructible Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths in Esper Hero, i don’t know what you’re talking about

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think of the sheer VALUE of having a 3/2 Menace Indestructible on the board
imagine the GAMES you could DOMINATE with that STRENGTH

I cant wait to build a brawl deck around the temur legend it looks super fun

real talk are there actually any other legendary humans that are good?

Cant think of any tbh

That 2/4 that doubles death triggers may be a human shes p cool

oh yeah Tesya’s a human
but is making her indestructible work it


it also has Etheral Absolution’s activated ability on it i guess, which is cool i guess

Doubt it. I guess it’s a card for edh where its ur commander and ur deck is just every single legendary human in orzhov lol

2/3 is p solid actually

oh it’s not legendary
which is the real funny bit

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Lol amazing

My guess is were getting a set of rare or uncommon mono colour legendary human in IKO to go with the tri color mythic beasts.

anyway that is the only non-removal Orzhov card we’re getting until the end of time
get ready for infinite Doom Foretold reprints until the end of time

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Honestly it’s so dumb orzhovs only half decent threat in the last 2 years has been seraph of the scales and that’s not even that good anymore