54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

what are you talking about Doom Foretold is a threat :^) :^) :^)

@Icibalus this looks super duper cool


oh yeah this one looks like a good reanimator card

Too lazy to save image lol screenshot for life

Could potentially be used in kethis combo historic to get a combo piece back?

okay so there’s Mardu/Temur cycle mana rocks


I guess they’ll be same cycle as mythic beasts

But y tho

For limited maybe to make it easier to play 3 color I guess

Yeah maybe they wanna encourage those 5 3-color groups as limited archetypes

i guess they needed a world to replace Tarkir after the dragons made it dumb

I’m rlly digging this world tbh, I like it how vivien is basically just the witcher aswell lol

oh yeah it is a cool world
but the fact it has magic that can make people bigger than eldrazi is

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Omg I rlly hope this is also a cycle

i think it’s likely to

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I like it how cuz theres no colourless pips it doesn’t combo with any of the ‘make enchantment cheaper stuf’ from theros

Wacky 3 color enchantments are the beeesttttt


I want a rematch with my erobos brawl deck

oh god dammit

Theres a 5 mana red fight spell but it can make 2 of ur opponents creatures fight each other lol

What a meme