54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Isn’t bussing yourself better tho?

I remember FK wanted to buss himself lul


It would of worked.

would have*

we’ve been over this, lel

Thats like bussing the cult leader to become the cult leader :^)

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Nah dude. You get all the cred, plus People wont suspect you at all for the next couple days. Thats how you get ez towncred.

Of is easier to say

it’s also objectively wrong

Its the Best start. No downsides what so ever


But Town is wrong in tol but do we care

Best part is when you fail your conversion the next night and step

I mean it would have saved you from Marl bussing you

Not sure if it would have saved from getting lunched tho.

It would have

It makes it even better, because you could get the myslynch off ez.

best thing to do is claim sheriff as assassin and say you find the MM as unseen N1


People will never suspect you because a lone cultist would never step up as king

That’s exactly why they have to hang the prince who stepped up! He may be cult fake claiming.

This. This is what we should be doing all the time as Assassin.

Then you claim scorned after he dies and say ez game ez life


Seriously though, would someone join if I created it?

I would join LOL