54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean I always join every game

so prolly yes

Here we go…

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:bear: :gun: :rabbit: :gun: :chicken: :gun: :fox_face: :gun: This idea is stupid. But it might work.
For now I’m holding them hostage.

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Can hasn’t cookie nao

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Marl banished us here.



@discobot roll 1d2

  1. Light theme better
  2. Dark theme better

:game_die: 1

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Honestly I agree, sorry for editing this btw realized I quoted this wrong. :wink:

Nice try FK…

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2

Light theme has won the theme wars!!!


Don’t worry I fixed it.

Light theme won twice with Disco!
Xblade, I require a recount, including our dear friend discobot!

@discobot like this if you think dark theme is the best.

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Nah that’s not fixing it that’s editing it for dark theme winz

Wait I passed