54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yeah sultai is more fun to play against than bant cuz targetted removal is more fun than blinking and boardwipes imo

that doesn’t really matter, considering we are approaching The Teferipocalypse

apparently new narset is confirmed to be jeskai

breaking news: Narset, the fucking literal leader of the old Jeskai, only gets a Jeskai walker 5 years after their spark ignited.

i think Esper Hero is definitely getting a big boost
like Dire Tactics definitely replaces Despark, at least a few of the Desparks Hero sometimes carries

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because like
Mr. Orzhov “Threat” hardcounters graveyard decks and creature decks when put next to the automatic human generator

is it gay to like men

Anyone wanna play REsistance?

depends. is he cute?

if hes cute then its not gay, its just respect

what even

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Sup nerds

why does blond hit so different late at night

why can’t I post!!!

oh, never mind. but still! I keep getting these errors that won’t let me post!

What errors?

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘responseJson’ of undefined


Ask XBlade maybe?

there’s a pertinent reason that I cannot do that

You could ask him on Discord.