54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

would you or would you not eat a piece of bread cooked by dmitri?

you must answer

pretimeskip, posttimeskip, or when they got gud again?

I wouldn’t eat a piece of bread cooked by the first two, but maybe the last one

very well
question part 2:

how would you feel if the Dmitri bread was stolen by Raphael?

annoyed, but ultimately not surprised

very well my child
you have now felt an emotional rollercoaster

not really

it was a shitty rollercoaster but it was nonetheless a rollercoaster

rollercoaster but instead of a rollercoaster it’s a train

there i have now simulated the emotional impact of Golden Deers
you are now prepared

how can I be prepared if Ashes of Outland™ is dropping

oh shit yeah it’s coming out in 2 days right

I thought it comes out today

let me check
i don’t play much HS after I started playing MtG but it’s still fun

yeah it’s out right now

I’m just ready for dh to be half the meta and priest to bully dh and then we have rock paper scissors

paladin finally not being a massive gimmick is pog

yeah geyde i’m still panicking because of how dumb Ikoria is going to be

who here watches or knows of jon bois


like look at this card and tell me what you think of it given that you know nothing about MtG

I was able to basically solo last two maps with Dimitri with chalice + battalion wrath + battalion vantage
which is hilarious