54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i vaguely know of him

yeah Punished Dimitri is nuts

so it’s 1 colorless mana
that’s pretty easy

what are counters

this seems busted in token based strategies that vomit shit onto the board

watch more of him

he’s hilarious even if you dont know what hes talking about

the amount of war masters in that final chapter is dumb
why did they ever think not giving a hoplon guard (crit-cancel effect) was a good idea

a counter is like a +1/+1 counter or a keyword counter, which is basically how MtG handles aquired Poisonous or stuff

so this is a strategy that revolves around saying fuck you to your opponent, vomiting a bunch of tokens, and then blowing them up

seems kinda slow tbh
given that mtg is apparently tech city, I don’t think it’d be too hard to stop

well i mean the idea is to play a diverse number of keyword counter cards and then put them onto a single card/creature because lolmagic

yeah here’s the immediate combo I can think of:


ignore devotion, just look at that final ability

unless you can cheat that out
it seems pretty slow

for context Black/White decks are pretty simmilar to Priest

I don’t know mtg that well but from vague understandings of it the game usually doesn’t go beyond 10 or so turns

trust me when i say that if Orzhov is a colour combination in the game that’s no longer as much of a guarentee. that colour combo is control city.

can’t you just be blown up by aggro
I know white has pretty good control tools, but the color combination I remember most as control is white/blue. Blue has counters and other annoying shit and white has ???

how do you build an Ozolith deck

white has ??? is pretty accurate but
orzhov control is kind of exemplified by this card

and this is a pretty good card

like it’s a good card to stall with, and there’s a lot of W/B enchantment synergy you can use to make it work, which can allow you to drop your Athreos, drop your Ozilith, and then you basically double Athreos’s super strong ability

That’s equivalent 4 mana
And it sacrifices itself (?) if you can’t meet the condition

that’s correct, but it’s really quite a good card because of certain cards that i do not have the energy to link images to
it puts a lot of pressure on the board, and synergises well with Orzhov’s wealth of good removal