54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I get it’s probably good but I doubt it can beat aggro. Its wincon is probably overkill in many instances.

Ty phone

you’ve seen that one white one black card that exilies a creature but costs life equal to that creature’s health?

that’s a good enough card to stall out aggro

I don’t know if anyone knows or even cares but there’s a new Yu-Gi-Oh series.

like this card can extract a lot of value from cheap creatures

i need to play more mtg arenea fuck

…why would they create a card that is synergistic with a “fuck you” deck

because fuck you decks are not neccecarily unfun in MtG

midrange v control matchups aren’t as bad as they are in HS

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also, there’s a lot of decks in the current meta that work based on hand/graveyard manipulation, and while I have problems with those decks they’re pretty interesting against control

That’s the vibe I get from the Ozolith deck
Stall until it gets everything on board at which point it basically wins

It sucks if other decks can disrupt the combo, and sucks if it can’t get to the combo

That’s p good with krasis lmao

In a normal class I solve this problem by not using my laptop in class

for obvious reasons that’s not really an option

For me most web blockers or other hard systems of restricting what I can do don’t really work as I tend to see it as a challenge that I find somewhat enjoyable to overcome, soo

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that’s incredibly Simon-y

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It’s the “next time I won’t get caught” mind set

Detective:smart criminals are way more dangerous then regular criminals
Random Person:Why’s that
Detective:Smart criminals only make the same mistake once

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Stop doin drugs that’ll Help

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why tho

Because drugs=bad

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