54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean, it was a good idea in the beginning and in that previous meta, just a bad execution
In the current meta it’s a no-no.

It suffers from damned if you do, damned if you don’t:

If there is no danger from crowning pret, the dynamic where pretender has to convince players to vote it for king by tricking them is squandered
If there is danger from crowning pret, then BD will only king players who can be mechanically confirmed as not pret (and not scum)

social experiment time

If I were to be changing my name in the near future, what do you think I would change it to?

forum name or irl name?

forum name


U have sinned

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Does that surprise you?


it’s such a wide range that if i had to guess i’d guess you would just shorten it to “Jgoes”

Yes, the point is basically that it’s impossible.

I’m not shortening it to jgoes.

Bad suggestion:

Add a way to dislike posts.

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wait people actually liked old ToS spy what the fuck

thats crazy


I mean does that really surprise you?

There’s people that unironically like fortnite.

alright but like

at one point fortnite was a playable game (yeah i cant believe im saying it either)

spys existence forced scum to fucking cower in fear and play with even less strategy

they didn’t know that there was a better alternative :man_shrugging:

prob the same guys who think retri is balanced

and say tp/lo on me as vet


some people play classic mode



But there’s also people that unironically like Jake/Logan Paul.

Dude I was so fucking mad when that happened to me

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