54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you got me there


I have literally never felt so betrayed in my life

Dont u lie

I’m not lying.

whats the rolelist in classic mode i forgot it existed

I can see in ur eyes that you are

Oh also, there’s people that think Survivor should not be removed despite it being considered more scum than actual scum. (At least when I last played.)

But you’re wrong.

but my survivor neuts!!!

We all know you hate neuts kat :wink: :frowning:

Or at least that you are neuts out.

Nowadays we have people saying Survivor should get ways to confirm itself :man_facepalming:

Lmao. Imagine.

A role that does not harm anyone that is also confirmable.

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and that plays kingmaker in like 50% of matches

fun, interactive gameplay

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I mean people here think ToL!Fool is Fun And Balanced so I can’t judge ToS too harshly

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But it is fun.

ToL Fool and ToS jester suck

ToS surv and ToL alch also suck


Also yes, I am 100% biased.

merc sucks too.
inq is okay

scorned is the best neutral out of either of the 2 games

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