54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Nee, maar in het Nederlands.

Marshal, heb je het al gevonden?


That is dutch.

It’s 0:30 AM and the only reason I’m still awake is because I want to see if a random stranger can guess my crush.

I excel at Life choices.

Maybe I should just sleep.

we realy got uncreative with these next cookies, didn’t we?

I mean they’re just numbers, how creative can you really get?

Unless you’re referring to the posts that took the cookies.

I mean both.

Well the latter is true.

Although the void taking it was pretty creative imo.

Eh, I’m just going to bed.

I don’t think Marshal is gonna try it anyway.

oh i already thought i said i had given up

was i keeping u awake


i just played 2 games of this

game 1 i was a survivor and didnt say anything and we killed the murderer on the first exe

game 2 i was the murderer, asked for a muffin, then said “muffin” all game and screamed to execute the muffin man over me when the other 3 in the final 4 were all confirmed, and then won

conclusion: game is easy and bad

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gonna try this next FM match

honestly i think this is what my wolf game needs




MUFFIN :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: THIS GAME IS TOO EZ


marshal get off of aretes acc

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fuck sorry wrong alt

The Marshete

Neutral Support
Tunnel (Day): Your vote will silently count as two today (infinite uses)
Get shot (Night): Redirect target player to yourself if they are using a killing action.
Your win condition is to live until D2.

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