54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The Marshete

Neutral Support
Hydra Dissonance (Passive): Due to indecisiveness, your night actions are compulsive.
Tunnel (Day): Your vote will silently count as two today (infinite uses)
Get shot (Night): Redirect all players to you, bypassing any immunities. You will be unable to be protected tonight.
Your win condition is to live until D2.

i got you

this is more balanced because reasons

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does this say what I think it does

what do you think it says

oh it’s flicker

I thought it was something else


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im trying to figure out what you thought it said

i just like using that emoji










it was probably about time to stop staring at eachother anyway

Punctuation is pretty dumb

you got memed by the forums

happens to the best of us


please no banno for nsfw

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