54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


he is me but hot abd a guy

bitch if he aint drinking water I aint gonna be thirsty

The real reason I hydra with emilia though
We get to confuse you all :eyes:

he is drinking beer as one does

ami + emilia + amelia bastard triple hydra when?

Sounds like policy lynch D1 material

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I had a better idea
Hydra with katze

Then we have marshete 2.0

have fun convincing either me or my sister to not hydra together

But you get to AtE and tunnel me D1 at the same time

i can already do that though

Self vote and tunnel me :eyes:

…i can still do that

i think i almost did that in evo mafia

Hippolytus/isaac hydra

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datbird + jake hydra

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Margaret + jake hydra


the battle is who would get banned first

priestess + margaret

who throws harder