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i do think it’s the problem
i tryhard as a villager and it’s obvious
i tryhard as a wolf but i do it in a super memey way which doesn’t match my village play at all
as a villager i’m very anti-meme
see what i said about bipolar fming

this is the problem, memes in

Why are u anti me

you mean anti me

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as a villager i’m scared of meming too much because i don’t want to be the reason the village loses the game, either through my complacency or willaging
as a wolf i… don’t really feel that way? idk i feel more like “let’s fuck around” and idk where it’s coming from

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could be some kind of weird-ass endless cycle where my wolfgames are basically recoil from hard villaging as v
…wait, that could be exactly it

You want to accept memes into your hearth That is the truth

what if my wolf play is a bunch of memes and bullshit precisely because i don’t do it as villa and i wanna take advantage of the rand

trusttells are bannable iirc

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it’s not a trusttell i do it instinctively

i’m not trying to lose the game by doing exactly what i declare i will do as a wolf that’s dumb

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vulgard becomes selfaware, and becomes a hyper memer game solver god

nobody is ever able to properly read vulgard, and as such they become a policy lynch out of fear

the meme percentage is just completely different tbh

so old creature?

Vulgard devolves into memer And remains meme forever

my dream is to solve while meming

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or meme while solving

Solve memes