54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the potential for CFDs and plurality lynches increases the impact of individual players, which helps to reduce the impact of veterans who are perceived as being high-skill on the gamestate

Plurality is a thing now in fol

Ici we added plurality like three FoLs ago

okay so in conclusion ignore me

arete why are you awake

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but seriously plurality is a universally positive change

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uno reverse card

it makes the game more interesting at the cost of making scheduling harder for the host
and that’s it

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i actually have difficulty sleeping without taking pills

which i have not taken

what’s your excuse

I’m bad at things sometimes

so there


Trials were the most fair thing
But also a huge waste of time

Majority is a good compromise

Plurality is just unfair cuz you can easily get lynched without being able to even post a defense (cough CFDs on not-online people)

if you are getting CFDed you didn’t implicitly defend yourself with your own posts and deserved to be lynched


if you’re being CFD’d to it’s probably not for no reason

villagers don’t usually say ‘let’s CFD the consensus townread ten minutes before EoD! lol!’

idk why but you calling CFDs racist is hilarious to me even if i get your logic


okay so i had this idea once and hear me out here
an SFoL that is literally just ToL with just a few changes for things that wouldn’t work on forums (like reap)

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dont mind me

im just here to like posts

we talked about this literally earlier today

I mind you

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