54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

BD wins 95+ percent of the time

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was it a good idea
and also i 100% thought of it first

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Im also punch drunk cuz imso tired hahahahah

the game is not focused around people’s actual defenses in our current meta
i have expressed the opinion that nobody actually listens to defenses in the ToL meta, and i still believe said fact.

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what makes it so townsided

full feedback + 48 hours to analyze said feedback and coordinate nightplans

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the ability to post a defense and defend yourself is nothing but lip service

The defense on trial is 90% the reason why I exe or pardon in tol

no priest

when I say ToL I refer to the forums

And also, I know for a fact that you are not the ToL meta.

forum ToL-turbo could maybe be balanced but thats effort

it’s treason then

How can you know :stuck_out_tongue:
You dont even play

just run it as a turbo

assuming you’re talking about forums I kind of disagree? I think people are generally receptive to defenses if they don’t suck

it’s just that in the current meta we have an unfortunately high proportion of people defending themselves with selfvoting and ATEing


because you repeatedly talk about making off-meta plays all the fucking time


Whats ate

i guess i’ll just stick to my other idea that will never actually be made a thing

you know how you eat food

its the past tense of that