54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

no, not really. pure is used to describe tone, not actions. calling somebody pure is usually something you use to describe in circumstances that paint them as wolfy.

But I am speaking about tone!

i’m very proud of the fact that not one person has managed to develop a consistent read for me


no you aren’t
pure =/= villagery

i can disprove this right now

don’t try meow

Have you ever seen me talking in a pure tone
Tell me

consistent read consmishtent read
all i care is that it’s possible to read you, because it always is
that’s it


i’m you
only better

thats what i’d say to you

I kiiiinda think things other than tone can be pure? like in @Chloe’s first ever game of BotC, we made it to final 3, she got asked for a claim and claimed Virgin, everyone was like ‘why did you not come out until the final day,’ and she was like ‘I wanted someone to nominate me and then not die’

and that was incredibly pure

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yes, actually
your reactions to people mislynching you for some of the dumbass FPSes i’ve seen you make were extremely pure

As less you like being scum
As more shit you are as scum
As more pure you are as town
As less mislynch bait you are

Just throw the game as scum and you’ll be the best town player ever

that’s… not how it works???

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you don’t get hung simply because if you make it to mylo you become hell to deal with


two of these things are not like two others of these things

you really don’t understand how reads work, don’t you

this was just projection

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But I care about winning as all alignments
That’s why I have some really good scum wins
While most people on this site aren’t even trying as scum and slank or replace out or worse