54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you shouldn’t sabotage your play as either alignment to boost your winrate as the other alignment

i’m thinking very pertinently of that one in which you claimed Assasin, since I read quite a bit of that in post-game. your reaction once you were unmaksed was pure, but I could not blame the village for mislynching you

Wait kat but

What about uh

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is it okay if I use you as a (positive) example

not in front of the forums steps-sis


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honestly i don’t want to create a big gap in how i play as town and how i play as scum
you see it as “wtf italy”
i see it as not favoring a side because if you have an easy to read meta you’re quite fucked as scum


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I wanna sleep but this discussion is so intriguing

I’ll live on 5h

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like there are instances where slots that display pure behaviour nonetheless might be reasonable kills simply because of how wolfy the circumstances are. i use pureness as a measure of how likely somebody in wolfy circumstances is to actually be a wolf, and if somebody acts in a completely pure manner towards that I supercede my normal tendency to try and eliminate anybody in hugely wolfy circumstances from the PoE at all costs

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i’m starting to wake up
but i haven’t even slept yet

i’d more describe that as a villagery action rather than a pure one, but my definition of purity is fairly unusual so w/e

I like the match last night
where katze basically said about me “that’s pretty good, but I know you can do this as scum as well”

yeah that’s a super hedgy read and not a good read
you are not unreadable. nobody is.

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so like

there was a point where Italy was really easy to read

because as town he would actually try to be helpful, even if he wasn’t always super successful, whereas as scum he would just try to avoid ever being remotely productive in any way and medium-key slank

and at some point I was like ‘wow you’re really easy to read because you actually bother to do anything as town’

and rather than solving this problem by being like ‘I guess I’ll stop doing things as town so you can’t read me’ he solved it by starting to do things as scum, raising the level of his scumplay rather than lowering the level of his village play

and this is good

tl;dr be like Italy


can you write a post like this but about me

i don’t want to see “be like italy”

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wow ok

kat used to lolcat a lot as scum, and play normally as town

To fix this:

They now lolcat as scum AND town - it is NAI

be like kat

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this is just false


Italy has a really bad town game, but you say we should be more like him? I’m confused
(sorry Italy you know I love you)

this is katze

in Vanilla Nightless, katze replaced into one of the most scumread slots in the entire game, which was also scum. rather than giving up/self-voting and ATEing/rage-replacing out/etc., he did his best to redeem the slot, push agenda, and set up his scumbuddies to be in a good position after he flipped

be like katze