54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


what if we…

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I’m probably voting Green this year, but I might vote him as a joke if he ran lmao
Since I like his BBall team



this is just better for you

howie vs mark cuban when


i’d actually kinda love this

My god i love passion fruit-orange-guava juice.

Its hella POG

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yeah well i got milk with some cinnamon in it cause i just ate apple jacks


here i come i am cinnamon

i love POG actually

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never actually had it with alcohol but fucking gorged myself on that shit last summer

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dont you learn at school to not do alcohol or drink drugs

bold of you to assume i’ve payed any attention to anything at school

I do too

Its so good

case in point

oh fuck

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ok well now i feel dumb



holy fuck
dynamic emoji’s

how the fuck did i not know of this before

can y’all see the animation?