54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i had to click it

thats lit wtf


look i did it too

ok but real shit

you can just… hide links in emojiss

what about me

who are you again

ok so i tried reverse image searching italy’s plague doctor mask pic

and it thinks he’s a seabird

1 Like

i accept this

italy is officially a seabird

What pic?

oh god

have you not seen it?

I have but I don’t want to go looking for it.


jgoes has not seen ur pic


he posts it every 2 minutes



either way


here u go jgoes

No, I have seen it. I’m just too lazy to go looking for it.

he likes that picture more then arete likes their eye picture



just saying
the fact that you didn’t take the chance to post a picture of a catgirl is concerning
the only answer is that you’re scum

italy 2nd best catgirl

but the only other catgirl is jake seriously wtf

i got catgirl king two games in a row