54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Band or group works too

That’s WAY easier

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But it may well no longer be my favorite singer


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i’m annoyed that i missed boats but i’m also glad it existed

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go to sleep

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that mash was amazing

i found a great guide for playing wolf

Step 1: Fluff - Call someone mafia for no reason and push on them.
Step 2: Circular reasoning - When people forget about the initial interactions, continue the push and give the reason “it’s a wagon that needs solving.”
Step 3: Gish Gallop - Bombard them with $#@!ty reads, disconnected conclusions are optional.
Step 4: U MAD BRO? - When your logic is being questioned, simply say they were caught for the wrong reasons and use that as the new foundation for your push.
Step 5: Victim blaming - When the person is killed and flips town, just say they were playing bad and that it was their fault for getting themselves mislynched.


i know exactly where you got that from Vul

and it’s amazing

There’s so much truth in this

i’ve lost many a game of SH / Avalon by doing this stupidly as town against another townie

You kinda have to, since you can’t just have only townreads :wink:
But as town you should always keep in mind that your scumreads can and will be utterly false

no not really
if you have accurate villagereads on over 50% of the game you literally win


That doesn’t mean you have no scumreads
They are just indirect then

oh no
because all the players you read being a villager is pure luck
you find a wolf, you kill them

this one is the only wolf-indicative stage by the way
i do not like “wolf caught for the wrong reasons” as a read, because it’s the kind of read that absolves the original push for having faulty logic but still somehow positions the player as obwolf