54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

anything else is just a thing villagers sometimes unconciously do if you frame it a tiny bit differently

You scumread me Yet you exist

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emi we don’t have to argue we’re not in an FM game right now

emilia is locktown though


i think you mean lockvillage
the only good terminology

Step 1: Fluff - Call someone mafia for no reason and push on them.

Towny, but only if you don’t go in deathtunnel mode

Step 2: Circular reasoning - When people forget about the initial interactions, continue the push and give the reason “it’s a wagon that needs solving.”


Step 3: Gish Gallop - Bombard them with $#@!ty reads, disconnected conclusions are optional.


Step 4: U MAD BRO? - When your logic is being questioned, simply say they were caught for the wrong reasons and use that as the new foundation for your push.


Step 5: Victim blaming - When the person is killed and flips town, just say they were playing bad and that it was their fault for getting themselves mislynched.

Extremely scummy. Never have seen this from a good town player

step 5 is villagery

it’s shitty but it’s villagery

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Step 5 is just the usual “hey lets blame the victim for my own stupid mistakes just cuz I can’t confess that I MIGHT have been wrong once”

I’ve seen it done too often by scum

“it’s a wagon that needs solving”, for reference, is fine in a mash, since a lot of the wagons likely were started by players you haven’t touched, and they do actually need to be resolved

yeah but it’s on average villagery

Why give towncred for something -EV?

wolves hate to position themselves in a position that looks arrogant so they stray away from blaming dead villagers

wolves do not like people focusing on dead villagers

Isn’t it better to explain as scum why you are scummy, so others don’t try it?

doing something -EV is absolutely not the same thing as wolfy
most notably the move is -EV regardless of allignment because it removes your influence over the thread partially by making you look crazy
self-destructive behaviour is not exclusively >rand v but this instance definitely is

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elaborate, please.

slight agree but it depends hugely on context

When done by town it Usually comes from strong frustation which is hard enough to fake And Usually can Mess things up in long term

i don’t blame dead villagers for getting killed outside of instances that are legitimately, objectively their fault, usually for mechanical reasons or due to screwed up FPSes
that does not mean that their resolution was not in some way neccecary

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