54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yeah and it didn’t help that I couldn’t design mashes at all back then

Now we just have the problem of replace-outs
But we can usually fill them

Technically I managed start DRFM with 40ish players. It sadly had to be canned due to IRL shit.

serious suggestion
you can try to run it again later after some fixes

i feel at this point Danganronpa themed games are cursed to fail tbh

I’ve been thinking of running a Danganronpa Bastard Mash, tbh.

hey the latest dr mash on mu ended normally

you do know eevee was about to force-can it before you canned it yourself, right

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Completely different than DRFM.

true but we all remember the first one

She’s still blacklisted from hosting so dw

you blatantly circumvented the queue / review process with that game
no offense

wow what a rude fucking thing to say


It was because of the sheer amount of delays that I had. I didn’t have time to work on day/night action resolutions as a lot of IRL shit was happening to me.

Can you just fuck off? Seriously.

She can go the usual appeal way

fuck at least my feud with priestess isn’t conducted entirely through passive-agressive side-comments


thats 20p and 21p respectively

it would be 12v2v1v1 or 11v2v1v1v1

if you do get the opportunity to run it i can cohost
though i bet there’s a lot of choices you have for that position

SORRY SIMON I CAN’T DO BASIC MATH ioaekfmealgneaiogu