54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i mean it was good

The Bastard one will be different than the previous one. It’ll be less mech-intensive, but at the same time there will be a lot of hidden mechanics that will make it more like a Clown Fiesta/Anime FM than my typical mash.

poor thingyman
that was meant to be his last hurrah as a mash host

So less bastard than anarchy?

Do PKR and tardis still play FM?

very occasionaly

I strongarmed the host of anarchy into replacing my slot by muting the thread because it was too bastard for me lmao

Yeah, Anarchy was a clusterfuck as nobody knew their alignment d1. Like, it just wasn’t a functional game until d2.


i feel like ami had a few good ideas and then piled bad ideas on top of them
it was a funny social experiment but by no means a game

It’s less absurdism and more like having odd roles and hidden mechanics,

visible confusion

confusion intensifies

infinite use unlimited day claimvig

pkr yes, occasionally
tardis/wolfy i havent seen in ages

i’m also working on a bastard game if anybody cares

you claim you die

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standing darkness
lying darkness but town-aligned

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Bastard != mech-intensive.

Bastard games are bastard because there are a bunch of extremely unpredictable elements in them on other sites Eevee’s game would be bastard purely because of its usage of goos and cults.

Here… bastard games are kind of vague.

may i suggest keywordmadness?
jumbled up so that nothing necessarily means what you think it means, but terms are consistent

(dont respond so that way you can either include this or not include this without giving it away)

that is possibly a mechanic that might be featured in Lexica