54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

dont u start being mean to HTM

look literally half of the wars in the west are between us and the french

it’s our nations’s shared destiny to hate each other, and also ourselves

we don’t hate french people by the way
we just hate france, the whole totality of the nation
it’s very simple

I keep putting off work to check here. I gotta go for four hours. I swear this time. I need to finish this essay

i always have one or two tabs unloaded on never gonna give you up so if i don’t remember where everything is then i risk getting rick rolled

this is evil

to… yourself?

you know how unloaded tabs work?
it immediately starts playing if i click

Never gonna give you up

A stove
Is a stove

no matter where you go

A patty
Is a patty

that’s what i say

A grill
Is a grill

this is surely so

And friiies
Should be friiies

either wayyyyyy

But this grill is not a home !

this is not the stove i know!

I would trade it all away