54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This is only half accurate

The blackmail was your idea, I was just being a bad person :eyes:

(and it’s not really blackmail either way)

Lies and deception.


They messaged me first

/puppet the Assassin to Assassinate katze

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/Arcane Empower Arete

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the message was literally:


Okay, but what do you consider blackmail there?

Me saying he has to read it first?

Anyway guys have you heard that a golfing company brought pandemic insurance and now is getting paid

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I wonder how much of a price increase pandemic insurance is going to be now


they started it confirmed

katze was found dead in the castle last night! kat was:

The Maid

Blue Dragon Investigative
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses :crown:
Rumor (Day) - Target player will be “last checked” in regards to Matchmake. Cannot be used day 1. - 2 Uses.
Matchmake (Night) - Test if target is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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The insurance doesn’t cover the amount of money they would have made without the pandemic but it covers a good chunk

Where’s my logs :rage:

they were too NSFW to be published

Their logs were as follows


Oh, it must have been part two then

lets just say that if anyone read them they would need a change sheets

im a kat

No, you’re a katze

ur a gamer