54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The following laws were found on kat’s corpse:

katze the Maid
N1 - Matchmake Arete
N2 - Matchmake Anstreim: Your targets are incompatible!

wow didn’t know people here weren’t potty trained

oh shit thats just

a low blow

poor ans

Mastermind and Cult Leader can’t match you fool.

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As if I’d ever write Maid logs that SFW

Mastermind appears as BD for the first three nights

BD doesn’t match Cult

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im not a fool im the drunk


She’s confirmed


no, mastermind shows up as whatever class they pick the abilities of

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yeah sure

that’s what i was implying

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But all of them are BD classes :thinking:

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i wasnt correcting that part

maybe we should deal with that problem

d1 alch here

Absolutely Disgusting


You have placed a bomb in Chloe [5].



You will detonate all Walking Bombs tonight.

Are you the Sorcerer? Because you’ve planted something inside of me, and it’s making my heart explode.