54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Girl, you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal!

no pls magic missile papi

Why the fuck is being katze so easy

damn i just wish you would plant your “magic missile” inside of me

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I still laugh at the “Are you a toaster? Cause I want to take a bath with you”

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Magic Missile isn’t even that good of a spell
What level Sorcerer is the Sorcerer


Too far Marshal. Too far, go back to posting joycats.

You forgot the “being funny” part of mimicking me, but you’ve nailed the typing style

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my version was funnier


That’s too much joy

but you arent funny

Your version? :eyes:

This entire forum must be purged


If this post gets 10000 likes I’ll post part two of the Ans/Arete fanfic btw

in Anime FM there was an event the goal of which was to create the best pick-up line

I felt slightly dirty afterwards but I won :eyes::eyes::eyes:


…I should’ve known that was yours.

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Do tell :eyes:

I also recognized it as being from exactly you when they showed the winning entry

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and the submission was to be sent to me

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