54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I watched a good video about this but I forgot what it taught me

I think this is also an accurate representation of my sister

Or when I do that one thing that she doesn’t let me talk about

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fuck i have a bad mind

Of course
I can hear every damn conversation in the house, even in my room

short answer: corruption and exploitation by larger countries

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why do we keep sending money then and not fixing the problem

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most african countries are hopelessly corrupt from what i remember

if you want the long answer, call me on discord because typing more than 15000 words are not allowed on this forum





hey i just met you


Okay challenge.
First person to make an innuendo loses and has to post a foot pic


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people (including both donors and charities) are bad at using resources in effective ways

so yes

also most people drastically overvalue the lives of people “local” to them when allocating any form of funding, meaning that local-ish causes are disproportionately prioritized (i.e. that less money than you might predict is being sent there)

also like, if we imagine that it costs X dollars to feed someone for a month, and you go do that, then at the end of the month … they’re still starving, and now you have to spend X dollars to feed them for the next month

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i want kat to lose because im good at discerning the gender of feet so this could actually be a good clue to solving the puzzle

what the actual fuck

under most models malaria nets and malaria chemoprevention programs are more effective than feeding starving people anyway

pretty sure i have talked about kat’s feet somewhere

Isn’t this proposition in itself an innuendo