54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

have we conaidered nukes

what the hell

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you lose

I heard it kills 100% of problems, including bacteria!

Anything is an innuendo if you think about it


Wait but how

and I didn’t accept :angry:

fixing systematic issues is difficult and unresponsive to most of the levers that most people have available to them

A fun but totally unrelated fact: the gravitational force of black holes distorts space and time near itself so much, that the closer you get to it, the slower the flow of time is. The most curious part is – there’s a specific point called event horizon, and once the matter crosses it – it can never be recovered, as it is lost to the black hole forever, because the gravity of the hole itself overcomes the momentum of the matter. So one could say that time itself stops at the event horizon. :eyes:

I’d unironically offer to clean your room because I like when things are organized.


New Marketing Campaign for nuclear bombs is killing 100% of bacteria

god why has no one thought of this yet

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How is a conversation about innuendos coexisting with a conversation about nukes


that would technically solve the problem ‘people are starving’ by causing there to be fewer people

this is a good illustration of Goodhart’s Law :upside_down_face:


But not all forms of bacteria are bad

A regular nuclear bomb would suffice

You can’t have starving people if you don’t have people

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Do you people secretly lust after nukes

I lust over @NuclearBurrito yes

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because the people sending the money is the problem

most 3rd world countries have national debt in the billions and maybe trillions

because of past colonial rule and a late industrial start most of those countries are poor to begin with and have to borrow money from their former tormentors to keep their economy afloat

so problems are “getting fixed” by pouring money into a sinkhole

because if they try to actually fix it

then the developed nations actually “suffer” from it

It was in an economic journal somewhere that for 1 american to have a prosperous life 6 people somewhere else in the world have to starve

who’d want to “solve the problem” that is not the tormented people themselves

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The solution to world hunger + overpopulation is cannibalism

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No but I lust after astrometry.

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