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Why do we even need sleep


i mean i know


what if

prions are misshapen proteins

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prions aren’t even living things

so you literally can’t kill them

But why

I wish our mortal shells didn’t need sustenance or sleep, life would be much more simple this way.


prions are incredibly hard to get rid of

virtually nothing actually works to cure them


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you can’t kill kill them

but you can kill them

as in exterminate from the face of the earth for a short period of time

and they can just spontaneously form out of nowhere in your brain and you wouldn’t know.

also that our mortal shells were less mortal, but for some reason that’s controversial


theyre proteins

Being immortal would be boring

Oh my god Arete are you literally just me. Immortality would be amazing, to hell with the ‘cons’ that everyone mentions.


so many ppl are like “ok if you had the option to be immortal would u” and are like “no living forever is torture”

but i’d do it tbh

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drinking is tiring

food is alright

but I can’t stand drinking water and sitting there

holy shit mindmelds

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Immortality would suck

I don’t wanna live past 50 so living past 500 would be a nightmare