54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


I was joking xD

No you weren’t you didn’t have a /s

whats going on

TIL that Nightshade used by Assassin are called Atropa Belladonna.

TIL that German cats say Miau

Someone host a turbo game

@Livicus please

okay let’s host a turbo game

gimme like 15 minutes or more to set it up

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Honestly to annoy marl what if we made a thread where every day we host a new turbo game just to spite him for making it “it has to last under 24 hours”

What setup is it livicus?


this one kinda seems fun tbh

Also I think vig is suppose to bypass sk protection

Isn’t there already something like that?

there is who wants to revive it though.

@MathBlade would you play turbo if @Livicus set it up?

I’m not a CON member so not me

I was thinking on a neighborhood setup

okay so tell us the setup.