54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I found it on the micro setups on mafiascum



k post it then please :smiley:

I will begin

crack knuckles

Also make it a thread so we can post multiple setups and sign ups there. I want to play another turbo game afterwards without having to go to a new thread

alrighty now go and recruit Litten

@Livicus You’re bored aren’t you :laughing:

not really

turbo games are interesting

(but also I’m waiting for my sfol to get greenlit)

1 Like

You’re like the opposite to me as a VC co-host
I don’t VC enough
You VC too much

New meme replacing blame marl

  • Nerbins is to be blamed for everything that goes wrong.
  • Nerbins should be thrown in a volcano to be sacrificed
  • Both

0 voters

@nerbins thoughts?

Also I’m tired so…:sleeping:

Seems fitting.

1 Like

This just shows how low self esteem we have tbh

It was a joke.

Oh really?

According to this accurate graph


Don’t worry about the mumbers btw, they are totally calculating something. According to this he is lying

As the more he talks the more the lie detector catches it, proven as a liar tbh

I’m bored again someone host turbo

@Alice will you?