54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

welcome to the hole of death arete

Chloe I guess we are going on a fishing trip together.

lots of fish
:fish: :fish:

eevee received a bomb
they’ve been marked for death

You’re not wrongimage

Bombs are cursed man

Damn, I die and Chloe just wants to join me

Good sister :heart:


You also tried to kill chloe

Yes, She’s the good one, not me!

Ans and i fishing is a horrible thing to think about

He would burn to a crisp in the sun and i would throw all the fish back in the water

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Hunger games
Literally have to kill everyone to win
“Nah i think i’m just gonna leave you to suffer”

Too accurate.

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Jake plzimage

If Jake wins can we petition to unban him

why is jake so fucking metal
he decapitates marshal and proceeds to detroit: become human 28 stab wounds memesky

Anstreim you cheated deathimage


Jake is too dangerous to be left alive.

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Oh my god this is too accurate lmfao

Nobody dies N6

anstreim just fucking booked it
knew that staying near jake was a death sentence