54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Okay margaret finally found a way to throw itimage

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Anstreim best girl


Im just chillin and sleeping

I love it
This is so me

no we all know that’s the NK

Run from Jake
Immediately ask Jake to murder me

Does not compute.


Also the god of death is showing mercy to Anstreim and that’s even more metal than killing him her

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Nobody dies N7

Or D8 I guess

jake is the actual god of death

Or night 8

there is no escape
only delaying

I expected to be killed N1 but I guess that’s not happening.
Why did I get to outlive Arete.

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prediction: jake will fall into the pit of doom w/ me and arete

Well unless an alice happensimage

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Have to*

Oh fuck ok

it wasn’t even a person that took down jake lmao

Precognition = 100. Easy.

Alice spares Chloe just to BURN HER ALIVE


Alice and i were a crew on d1