54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i only want to hurt people who really annoy me and make me want to :eyes:


Normal is boring
Weird is good


but then i would have to replace in when he gets banned again


Nobody is normal

Describe what a “normal person” looks like

But then you get free scum games!

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Jekyll and Hyde, at least the musical version, is the story about someone who believes in the duality phenomenon and attempts to forcefully create a bipolar disorder

I think the moral is to realize dealing with absolutes is bad - there’s no “true good” and “true evil”

only the sith deals in absolutes

Well Aroot is already a perfect mix of normal and weird.


but i dont want that

If you have a scale of human characteristics
Normal would be the mean

Danny Devito

wait u didnt say perfect

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Okay I made it again


add me add me

Also I just realized its 8 AM.
Meaning my neighbors are either going to:
a) Not drill
b) Start drilling in about 3 hours

I suppose I’m not going to sleep tonight.

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*10:24 pm

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I’m so sorry cheese lmaoimage

Good man

my bag italy

Oh shit jake got explosives

Its starting again