54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Thats not very LG of me

why do i keep falling to my death
it’s like italy and stairs except i actually die this time

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90% of the musical that is not related to Jekyll/Hyde insanity

Is showing that the world in itself is evil

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Arete I think I might start working on the thing since I’m not going to sleep :eyes:

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don’t we all?


tf is dysentery

Run run little kitten :wink:
dual weilding Priestess is coming for you

This man hasnt played oregon trail

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Nobody dies N6

quick question

which flag is that

Or D7

i like how whenever we hear “dysentery” we immediately think oregon trail

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no i have

several times

I used to speedrun that game actually

I still don’t know what the disease is tho

but I don’t agree with that either

although I think I did when I read the book? middle school was sure a thing

Priestess I’m sorryimage

bounce bounce

Chloe make me proud

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deadly disease that makes you die

Its when you get an infection in your stomach/intestines and poop a lot