54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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shes collecting them at this point

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they would after seeing the show live

it be scary

Oh myimage

Anstreim questions his sanity

Ans are you me

What the hell is with me and fish

I am dual weilding hatches
Be scared

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nooooooooooo he did it.

jake is back

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No you fell into a frozen lake and drowned

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I was about to say that it was far too appropriate but hey, we are dead together now.

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I revenged you all!

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M A R G A R E T image

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Noone kills my Chloe :rage:

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I like to fish and scream

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priestess just fucking rambo’d alice
she jumped out of a bush and used dual hatchets to end alice’s existence

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Never mind chloe is murderous

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Orange: Spends the day picking flowers
Also Orange: Cannot start a fire

I wonder why :^)

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I received clean water and clean food
And two hatchets
(thanks Xblade I love you)

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