54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Cannot relate

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Also aside from the anstreim and emilia meme story
My favorite moment was when katze failed at wifoming chloe

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If your computer is in the risk-group make sure it stays at home.


Oh no, what if my computer gets the chrono

3/6 ideas I’ve got have been canned
And two haven’t even been made public yet (J.S.S.S and Singing Divas)
Only one has successfully ran (WoW v1)
That’s worrying


Leaking your own setups, how devious

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They’ll be forgotten about
J.S.S.S already had a few leaks and it’s an anagram anyway, people won’t figure it out

Jordin Sparks Suspects Syndicate

Java Script Sucks Sass


imma pull an all nighter

Have fun

okay so i just woke up but



so my mom played Magic the Gathering in college

and at some point when I was like … eightish, I found a shoebox full of her old cards

and I was like ‘wow these are really neat, what are these’ and Mom decided the solution was to teach me how to play

my decks were obviously super uncompetitive because I was building them from super old cards and there had been a bunch of power creep, and separately because rather than actually do it competently I was just like ‘well TECHNICALLY there’s no MAXIMUM deck size’ and put all the cards I thought were cool (and that fit with the color scheme I was going for, Mom did at least manage to communicate some basic principles) into my deck

also occasionally I brought my deck with me to conventions to play against Real Adults who were mostly as far as I can recall mildly amused at this Tiny Child attempting to play against them


that’s adorable
you’re adorable


smol aret

smol aret

smol aret



when I was about the same age I read a book where a minor plot point was one of the characters counting to a million (over the course of multiple sessions)

I promptly decided I wanted to do this

I never made it higher than a couple thousand but I had a little piece of paper and whenever I had to leave off I would write down what number I’d left off at although sometimes I lost the paper and wound up restarting from the last number I could confidently know I had counted up to

also I went to a weird Montessori school so I did a decent proportion of this during the school day

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honestly I have no idea if that’s a ‘cute smol Arete story’ or a ‘weird smol Arete story’ or a ‘wow Arete smol you was ridiculously stereotypical’ story


all of the above

but mostly the former

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